Wow! The Wal-Mart here is certainly different! For one thing, it was underground! For another, it was HUGE!!!! We spent a great long time walking around and enjoying the sights! Trent enjoyed watching the live frogs, snails, turtles etc. in the tanks at the seafood department (!) :) and we all were intrigued by the chicken feet!!!
    It is amazing what people carry on their bikes here! Cardboard boxes (4 or 5 huge boxes at a time) long steel tubes, boards, baskets, flower arrangements !!!!
    We visited an amusement park, but didn't try any of the rides since we were getting ready to get on our planeto go to Guangzhou. On the plane, they gave us bamboo picked with spicy sauce. JiaJia loved it, but Trent and I weren't crazy about it. :) When we got to Guangzhou our guide Grace met us, she is a very nice lady and very helpful. We ordered Papa Johns for supper!! American food tasted so good